Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Quick (for me) Update!

I meant to get on here for an update tonight but then I also meant to do a few household chores on my only night off this week... yeah, my bathroom floor will still be dirty tomorrow and I can live with that. I got in some quality cuddle time with my kitties and got a few other items off my 'when I have time' list that never seems to shrink. I did, however, have a few things to comment on so...

I made a joke a little over a week ago that eating at the Blue Nile always translates to a good week at my weigh-in. Well, there really must be something in the Ethiopian food because it held true again for a third time. I added another 5lbs star to my book. Obviously I need to start eating at the Blue Nile every week ;)

I had some potato chips on Monday. They were within my points so I didn't feel guilty about it but I wasn't really hungry, I just smelled them at someone else's desk and when they said 'help yourself' I did. Again, within my points so I didn't feel guilty. When it came time to run that evening, all I could feel inside me was the chips. I felt I must have eaten a pound of them, they just felt so heavy in my tummy, and it really made the last 1/2 mile of the run just seem to go forever and ever. It was a good reminder that just because something is within my points for the day, doesn't mean I need to eat it.

I have been hit and miss with the Water Challenge. Mostly hit, but occasionally I'll have a day like today where I didn't drink more than one glass at work. I tried to make up for it by drinking seven glasses in the last four hours but I've reached the point where any more water will just equal a 2am trip to the bathroom and I hate those even more than I hate missing my target. C'est la vie. Tomorrow is a new day. Every day is a chance to turn over a new leaf. A ten thousand mile journey begins with a single step. As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again. Wait, what?

Good night... and try not to think about the Yankees in Tara.

I actually hate "Gone with the Wind" but it's hard to avoid when you love movies and history.

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