Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Matoto's Ten Day Event

For those of you who don't follow both my blogs, I am on the (volunteer) Board of Directors for a Victoria-based non-profit called Matoto Multicultural Arts Society. On Monday, we started our Ten Day Event to try and raise $10,000. We are almost done building the school in Kubian, Guinea that we started last year and now we need to fill it with chalkboards, desks and teachers. I have linked to our Ten Day Event on the left hand side (that over sized button that you can't miss) and you can read a more indepth post about it here. I am on the Team Moondance if you want to donate directly to a team, but you can also donate just to the event in general.

From myself, the members of Matoto, and from the villagers of Kubian: i nu wali. Thank you.

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